Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Here’s my kitchen spider:


kitchen spider 2

This spider has been living outside my kitchen window all summer.  At first he seemed all cute, small and innocent, but look at him now!  He practically needs his own zip code!  I don’t know what to do now.  I can’t kill him, I’d just like someone to come and relocate him to Mexico or something.  Anyone?…

Friday, July 23, 2010

MARS.pps (560KB)

August looks like it's going to have an exciting astronomic event.
This is a powerpoint link, I hope you can see it.
MARS.pps (560KB)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Finger Troubles!

Well, I fell the day before Christmas Eve and caught myself on the doorway, and jammed my pinky. It really hurt, but I was in a hurry and didn't do anything but put ice on it for a little while. So by the next week after new years, it wasn't feeling better so I finally went to the emergency room and got it x-ray'd. Sure enough it was broken and the tendon was flayed back from the bone. Now I'm in a splint for the next 8 weeks with stern instructions to not bend it for 1 second otherwise I'll have to start over for another 8 weeks. Unfortunately, I am not able to knit at the moment. I'm hoping that when the pain lessens a little I"ll be able to, but for now, I am knit-free.