Monday, April 30, 2007

in which 5 days have passed....

In honor of the upcoming visit to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, I give you this adorable baby. ( borrowed from , one of the best sites, gives me a lift to my heart every day)

I had quite the busy weekend, managed to do a whole 6 minutes this time on the eliptical before I had to change to the regular treadmill, but hey people, that's a big improvement over the 2 minutes I used to be able to do! I'm also trying to loosen up the "grip of death" I use on the handles of the treadmill, I hold on so tightly that it makes my left hand hurt. Then I have trouble knitting!
I also got a little bit more done on my clapotis, but I'm getting some unhappy pooling going on. I switched balls of yarn to see if that would straighten things out, but had to stop because of hand pain (see above).
I'm taking a few days off work this week to try to get the apartment in order for spring/summer. I know it will help me to feel better in general to get rid of some of the clutter and to be more "settled". I'm trying to decide if I want to stay there or to buy a house. Since I couldn't make up my mind, I really never got the place the way I wanted it, but it's so much cheaper for me to live there, I should just make the best of it for a while longer. I must come to terms with the following:

1. No dishwasher (Ihate washing dishes, and i never feel like they get clean enough)
2. Having to go 3 flights down to basement to do laundry, (who needs a stairmaster?)
3. REALLY TOO SMALL ( I don't have enough room for my yarn stash let alone all the other necessities of life.)

Things I love:
1. Nice large living room
2. Separate office/yarn room
3. Can vacuum the entire apartment without having to unplug and move the vacuum cord.
4. Beautiful trees all around from every window (cats especially love this point )
5. Too small for overnight guests or relatives dropping by.
6. Did I mention Cheap!?
Much pondering to be done about this yet.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Little Helpers

so, I decided that instead of going to the gym like I should, I would much rather go home and finish the second section of my Clapotis. Which meant that I needed to wind another hank of the ArtYarns Super Merino, and look who decided to help:

I also wanted to show you my very hi-tech swift:
In the meantime, it's taking a very long time to get the hang of the placement of pictures and text, and I have to leave for choir rehearsal, so this will just have to do for now, and so I hit

Sunday, April 22, 2007

My first sweater

This is a picture of my first baby sweater:

Some sort of acrylic (washableyarn), I think it's the 5 hour baby sweater pattern.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

It's About Time!

I finally decided to start my own blog! I've loved reading and lurking around the internet and have joined. Let's see what the future holds for this site now